Minesweeper Royale
💣 Massively-multiplayer Minesweeper Battle Royale

💣 Massively-multiplayer Minesweeper Battle Royale
🍽️ Easiest way to find a place to eat with your friends
🌴 Realtime multiplayer death match game
🎸 The Official website for Triple Entendre
🎵 The official website of the Purdue All-American Marching Band Toobah section
⌛ 5-dimensional multiplayer real-time strategy game
🧬 Clone of the original 1970 game built with WebGPU
🏓 Clone of the original 1972 game
🏃 A simple platformer demo
👊 A simple top-down beat-'em-up demo
(this list is to guilt me into completing projects)
🏁 5-dimensional multiplayer checkers
🤝 5-dimensional multiplayer diplomacy
🚗🚀📖 Rocket League strategy guide
🎮📖 Recipe breakdown calculator for Factorio and Satisfactory
👾 Massively-multiplayer Doodle Jump
🤖 Automate generating and uploading Tiktoks, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts
🔍📱 QR code generator and scanner
🎲 One-stop-shop for every turn-based game ever invented.